Monday, November 20, 2006


This is not a local problem. It all started with the 'broken windows" theorey of 'law ' enforcement coming out of Harvard in the '70's, which was based upon an Italian designer who got a contract to maintain bus stops in NYC.
Upon the drop in Federal income federal funds to the cities began to dry up, that and cities' increasing corruption as college gratuates felt entitled to fat wallets, caused cash shortages. (
And then others immitated those who appeared to have higher status , cf Toynbee and mimesis, the decline of civilizations. )
At one time there was a finely balanced system that would allow for private poker games etc, as long as no one complained, as long as there was no ruckus, law enforcement respected the privacy of individuals. The drug wars made major inroads on the right to private enjoyment and broken widows convergence has created a situation where law enforcement pushed it's efforts right up to the line of constitutionality, and then stepped over it. Agencies were 'captured' by powerful constituancies. Now we have Bush's flat out flouting of USA values and the Constitution. Where will it end ? For a start with the Constitution shattered; the social contract will fail and citizens will abandon the social contract that has been broken so foolishly by the government and our myopic Sally Twoshoes, the brown nosers, yes men.
In response the gov wil step up it's powers and number of ENFORCERS ( a Mob term most apt to the bully boys ). Not every human is tempermentally or socially suited to brown nosing and the brown nosers, noting their own shallow cowerdice will loathe those who are not of the same disposition. Society will fail, the USA will fail as a society of law, raw power will be the operative principle. Magna Carta, gone; habeas corpus , gone ( and Reaguns Iran Contra is exactly the same as king James I end run around Parlement's sole discretion in raising revenue... the cause of the English civil war which had such an impact upon the foundation of the USA )
The Republican party has been corrupted by elements from the once slave society of the South who have a lust for high unemployment and serfdom. Remember the issues of the Spanish civil war, the GOD people against the Cattle people.
Z Code enforcement is in a unique position. If I do something you might judge as wrong in Your house, in public, on corp property the situation is one of conflict of will, but when I retreat from the evils of the world to my HOME, there should be no invasion unless I am doing something that is potentially or actually Seriously harmful to someone else, ; and the state should have to Prove that I am so doing. Those who value a pretty lawn over my rights are amoung the most contemptable frauds the poser's of humanity, they are ignorant wastlings who lack the courage to be other than conformists, they destroy man.
ANd mostly, they poeple under attack Would love pretty houses. respectable work or would otherwise conform to get along. Mostly they don't because they are poor or ill, ie Easy Pickins.
If you want them to 'beautify your neighborhoos' then Help them! Fer Christ sakes don't Destroy their lives, their children will rightfully avenge them upon the country.
This is a National Problem and should be addressed as such, the word should go forth and people should organise! Nationally! Else the Boston Tea Party and the USA revolution are Meaningless vanities.
Don't just sit there and go tit tit, tut tut. Get it together even you lazy over paid workers at immoral jobs and professions; Mere Hirelings with no real morality, opportunists, lickspittle. There has always been corruption in the USA as in all rapidly developing countries ( take the money and run ), but you 'ain't seen nothing yet'. Americans ? more like crawling snakes. Despicable. Don't ask 'why' you are assaulted. ask 'Why Not'

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